Posted in picture books, Preschool Reads

Blog Tour: I Am Gravity, by Henry Herz

In 2021, Henry Herz and Tilbury House published I Am Smoke, a lyrical meditation into our world as seen through the eyes of Smoke: its presence in history, science, and culture. Now, we can look forward to its companion, releasing on April 16th: I Am Gravity.

I Am Gravity, by Henry Herz/Illustrated by Mercè López,
(Apr. 2024, Tilbury House), $18.95, ISBN: 9781668936849

Ages 4-8

Narrated by Gravity, I Am Gravity reveals its existence in our lives from the very beginning, at once revealing the beauty and the power of its force: “Over millions of years, I pack molecules into planets… I have existed since the dawn of time. I am gravity” and balances with its ethereal beauty: “You can feel me but not see me. I reach / everywhere, touching everything… / … a butterfly landing on your outstretched palm, / a whale diving deep, the moon far above.” López’s exquisite illustrations paint Gravity as a deep pink presence, guiding a whale underwater and wrapping around a planet in formation. A fantastic companion to I Am Smoke and an essential addition to picture book STEM collections.


I'm a mom, a children's librarian, bibliophile, and obsessive knitter. I'm a pop culture junkie and a proud nerd, and favorite reads usually fall into Sci-Fi/Fantasy. I review comics and graphic novels at WhatchaReading ( I'm also the co-founder of On Wednesdays We Wear Capes (, where I discuss pop culture and geek fandom from a female point of view.

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